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Make warm Sea Fish Populations Reduced

INILAH.COM, Singapore - The new study showed, rising sea temperatures at random in some parts of the world have an impact on fish populations are diminishing in number.

Warm sea make fish growth inhibited. Worse, it can increase stress even the risk of fish mortality.

The results of this study based on Australian research scientist who focuses on fish species Morwong

Interesting-Lifting-Menyerok Big Fish

Here are sharing interesting tips menyerok-raised fish-strike when you find big fish mainly for fishing in the pond:

See full stall situation first aja ato quiet

If the location then make sure a full apology left and right palm, do not sit just follow with a walk where the fish run

If the fish stall quiet sleigh approaching our stall by standing for the position of strike and comfortable handle


Why hooked carp pellets?

Goldfish likes certain types of bait such as pellets, is caused by factors influencing the diet during the period of life (a period of growth, spawning, etc.). By instinct, animals capable of recognizing the type of food is decent for him. The important thing is edible and can be digested by the stomach (edible food). If the fish (carp) in a period of growth only recognize natural foods

Council Development Reject Mall at Taman Ria Senayan jakarta

Lake Taman Ria Senayan, Jakarta

Chaotic shopping center development plan in the area of ​​Taman Ria Senayan (TRS) received by the House of Representatives (DPRD) of DKI Jakarta. The Board hopes that the central government in this regard the Secretariat of State (State Secretariat) legowo and review agreements with private parties. Development of a shopping center adjacent to the building

Sea Fishing Techniques Using Buoy

How much simpler berpelampung sea fishing than fishing heavy foundation. This technique is done to avoid from being lodged bait from the rock or other object on the seabed.

Use a measuring rod for more than two meters long and even more in order to throw the bait when fishing deep into the middle of the seafront and on the reef. And use a measuring rod for long enough

Tips Memilih Ikan Discus

 Discus sebagai rajanya ikan air tawar menarik banyak akuaris maupun orang awam untuk memeliharanya. Selain bentuk, warna, dan coraknya yang menarik, harganya yang mahalpun menjadi salah satu daya tarik untuk memeliharanya. Namun memelihara terutama untuk memilih calon bibit yang baik tidak semudah membalikkan telapak tangan.

Untuk mendapatkan discus yang baik tentulah harus mendapatkan bibit

Kail Ikan di Perut Sapi Jadi Rebutan Warga

Geger Sapi Disantet

File: detiksurabaya.com
Banyuwangi - Puluhan mata kail yang ditemukan tertanam bersama benda asing lainnya dalam lambung sapi milik Mamad (45), warga Dusun Kampung Baru Desa Jajag Kecamatan Gambiran, Banyuwangi, diperebutkan warga.

Puluhan warga yang datang meminta mata kail ikan itu karena meyakini memilik kekuatan magis. Harapan mereka dengan menggunakan mata kail

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